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1.General Rules and definitions
By using the services connected to the site www.lascalaranda.com (hereinafter referred to as "the services" or "the service"), the reader is required to respect the conditions and terms of use specified below.
These conditions concern Lasca la Randa, in the persons of Claudia Lippi, owner of the website www.lascalaranda.com and managers of the contents of the site itself and the related services.
Lasca la Randa reserves the right to modify, add or eliminate parts of these conditions, informing interested parties by publishing the changes on the site or via email. Each reader is required to periodically check these conditions to ascertain any changes that have occurred since the last consultation of the site. In any case, the use of the site and its services implies acceptance of the changes that have occurred in the meantime.
The owner of the domain reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt, even partially, the services, including accessibility to the database or contents. The domain owner may also introduce access or service limitations, in whole or in part, without notice and without assuming liability for such service limitation.
For appropriate clarity of interpretation, the meanings of the main definitions used in this document are specified below:
Claudia Lippi is the owner of the domain www.lascalaranda.com
By site we mean www.lascalaranda.com, which includes all the services and contents offered by the operator
Reader is the visitor to the site and the user of the services provided by the site
Services are the following services available within the site:
● newsletters
● blogs
● rss
● upload multimedia content
● Travel and program consultancy
● Affiliate marketing


Content/contents are, by way of example, texts, audio, video, audio and video materials, graphics, photographs or any other type of original or reproduced creative material present on the site.

2. Contents and services of the website www.lascalaranda.com and use by readers
The contents and services of the site are intended for personal and non-professional use. All materials published on the site (including, without limitation, information articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio and/or video recordings, hereinafter also referred to as the "contents") are protected by copyright laws and are the property of the owner of the domain or whoever legitimately has the relevant rights. The reader is required to comply with any additional information that may be present on the site in relation to the intellectual property of the contents accessed through the site's services.
The site's services and its contents are protected by the copyright laws in force in Italy and by international copyright laws. The reader is not authorized to modify, publish, transmit, share, assign for use in any way, reproduce (beyond the limits specified below), rework, distribute, perform, give access to or commercially exploit in any way the contents or services ( included
the software) of this site even partially.
The reader, for personal use only, is authorized to download or copy the contents and any other downloadable material available through the site's services provided that it faithfully reports all copyright indications and other indications reported on the site. The reproduction and collection of any content for reasons other than personal use is expressly prohibited in the absence of prior express authorization issued in writing by the domain owner or copyright owner as indicated on the site.
The contents coming from press agencies or other sites are published by the owner of the domain who assumes no responsibility for incompleteness, inaccuracies, errors, omissions with respect to the integrity of the information and is not liable for any consequential damages.
The RSS service consisting of information content that can be downloaded to the computer using "aggregator programs" is made accessible only for personal use and any use for commercial purposes is excluded. Any other use, including but not limited to the insertion of advertising messages, association with products or extended sending for advertising purposes is prohibited in any form. The reader may not in any way modify or distribute the RSS services and links from the site www.lascalaranda.com to third parties. The RSS service and its contents are protected by Italian copyright laws and related international regulations. The domain owner holds all rights to exploit the trademarks used in connection with these services.
The owner of the domain reserves the right to interrupt the RSS service at any time and to make the reader stop using the downloaded material in any form, without limitations and without notice. The owner of the domain assumes no responsibility in relation to the contents and the RSS service and their use with respect to damages or limitations on the use of websites, computers that have used such services and contents.

3.Material and content sent by readers
The reader cannot send, distribute or in any way publish in the spaces enabled for this purpose contents that present findings of a defamatory, slanderous, obscene, pornographic, abusive or illegal nature (for example, it is not possible to use the site and its services for fraud or phishing to obtain your account and password information).
Readers may not post confidential or personally identifiable information about the reader, including but not limited to credit card numbers, social security numbers, and driver's license numbers. The Reader may not publish information such as passwords, usernames, phone numbers, email addresses of other Readers unless it is publicly accessible on the web.
The reader undertakes not to adopt violent attitudes or verbally attack other readers, refraining from using slanderous terms, or from actions aimed at selling products or services. The reader undertakes not to use violent or discriminatory terms based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability or otherwise. The use of violent language will be grounds for immediate suspension and definite expulsion from all or part of the services of the site www.lascalaranda.com.
The reader undertakes to accept discussions but to avoid arguments. In a free community open to everyone's discussions and opinions, it is natural that there may be people who disagree with each other. Lascalaranda.com encourages lively discussions and welcomes heated debates in the spaces designated for this purpose. Any individual attack will be interpreted as a direct violation of these rules and will justify the immediate elimination of the relevant expressions, by the designated moderators
by the domain owner.
Comments may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Without the express
authorization from the domain owner, each reader must refrain from disseminating or distributing by any means messages containing offers of content
commercial of any nature.
The reader is individually responsible for the contents of his comments. The site manager, despite not being able to ensure a timely check on each of the messages received, reserves the right to delete, move, modify messages which, in their discretion, appear abusive, defamatory, obscene or infringing of rights. copyright and trademarks and in any case unacceptable for the editorial line of the site.
The reader acknowledges and accepts that any submission of material made for the
participation in the site's services (by way of example and not limited to, to send
comments, express opinions, participate in surveys and initiatives, send images or
video and audio files) can be modified, removed, published, transmitted, and executed by the site manager. The reader therefore renounces any material and moral rights that he may have as an author with respect to the modifications made to such material, even if the modifications are not appreciated or accepted by the author himself.
The reader grants the owner of the domain an unlimited right of non-exclusive use, without limitations of geographical areas. The owner of the domain may therefore, directly or through trusted third parties, use, copy, transmit, extract, publish, distribute, publicly perform, disseminate, create derivative works, host, index, store, annotate, encode, modify and adapt ( including without limitation the right to adapt for transmission by any means of communication) in any form or by any means now known or hereafter invented, every image and every message, including audio and video, which may be sent by the reader, also through third parties.
By sending any material the reader allows its publication on the site.
The material sent will not be returned and will remain the property of www.lascalaranda.com and the owner of the domain, who therefore remains exempt from any liability towards the participants for the loss or destruction of the material sent.
The rules indicated in this article concern any type of content generated by the reader using the services made available by the site.

4.Access and availability of the service. Use of links
The website www.lascalaranda.com contains links to other resources on the internet. The domain owner is not responsible for the actual accessibility and availability of these resources external to his site, nor for their contents. Therefore the reader is invited to contact the administrator or webmaster of such external sites if he encounters problems with such content.

5. Service costs and payments
The site's services are free unless otherwise analytically specified. The owner of the domain reserves the right to charge a fee for access to portions of the site or to specific services or to the entire site. In any case, the owner of the domain will not ask for the payment of any fee unless he has previously obtained express acceptance of this offer.
Therefore, if the domain owner were to ask for a fee in the future for access to portions of the site or services that are currently free, the reader will receive a specific communication in advance with a detailed indication of these costs, giving the reader the opportunity to choose whether to join the service. In case of acceptance, the reader will pay this fee in the forms he chooses at the cost that will be defined at the time of acceptance of the service itself.

6. Esperienze di Trekking di gruppo/individuali
In qualità di Guida Ambientale Escursionista e Travel Designer, lascalaranda.com di Claudia Lippi si occupa della creazione e ideazione di esperienze, delegando al Tour Operator Lasca la Randa la vendita del viaggio e la sua gestione.
Sul sito www.lascalaranda.com l’utente può accedere a titolo gratuito alla vetrina dei viaggi: in caso accetti le condizioni esposte, compreso prezzi e servizi, può richiedere tramite procedura guidata il contratto per formalizzare la propria partecipazione.

Ogni esperienza proposta viene fatta in qualità di Tour Operator e Guida Ambientale Escursionista (Claudia Lippi Direttore Tecnico abilitato dalla Reg.Toscana)

Furthermore, Lasca la Randa does not assume any responsibility in the event of cancellation or delay of flights/trains/ferries, or negligence of the structures where you stay overnight. By confirming your participation in the trip you declare that you assume all civil and criminal liability and compensation for any damage to things, people and structures directly caused by you.


7. Conditions

- It is always mandatory to follow the clothing instructions given by the organization, in particular trekking shoes are mandatory, vice versa the environmental hiking guide may reserve the right not to admit you to the activities.

- It is the participant's responsibility to verify that they are in possession of a valid identity document in the countries covered by the itinerary as well as passports, residence and transit visas and health certificates that may be required.

- It is recommended not to purchase any personal travel ticket (train, plane, etc.) to reach the meeting place before the organizational headquarters gives you confirmation of registration and any relevant information.

- Any uncommunicated changes in the flight/transport plan and delays, strikes, setbacks during the trip caused by the airline or carrier are not the responsibility of our organization.

- Lasca la Randa is not responsible for plane or train tickets purchased independently to reach the departure point of the trip following sudden changes in time or place of departure due to causes of force majeure or operational needs. If an extension of the trip is necessary due to the aforementioned factors or other unforeseen circumstances not dependent on our organization, the additional expenses will be borne by the participant.

- The daily program may be subject to changes due to the weather situation or other unpredictable events linked to the socio-political situation or in case of force majeure. It will be the responsibility of the Environmental Hiking Guide to evaluate the best situation of opportunity and safety and then propose to the group the changes to be made for the best success of the experience.

- The participant will also communicate in writing by email to Lasca la Randa, at the time of booking, any particular personal requests which may be the subject of specific agreements on the travel arrangements, provided that their implementation is possible.

- The participant is always required to inform Lasca la Randa of any particular needs or conditions (pregnancy, food allergies, vegetarian/vegan choices, disabilities, etc...) and to explicitly specify any request for related personalized services within 20 days from the travel start date.

- We remind you of the regulations in force which do not allow the transport in the airline cabin of items considered dangerous (multi-purpose knives, scissors, telescopic sticks, liquids contained in containers with a capacity exceeding 100 ml, etc.) which will eventually have to be included in the personal baggage it will go in the hold of the plane. Please pay attention to all relevant communications provided by the airline or at the airport before going to check-in.

- There is always at least one professional responsible for the correct execution of all tourist services included in the contract.

- Travelers are given an emergency telephone number or the details of a contact point through which they can reach the organizer or travel agent.

- Travelers may transfer the package to another person, subject to reasonable notice and possibly upon payment of additional costs.

- The organizer is required to provide assistance if the traveler is in difficulty.

- For the participant who does not subscribe to any form of cancellation policy, in the event of cancellation by the participant for any reason, the penalty as per the contract will be applied

-        Nei viaggi con mezzo nautico (barca a vela ecc) Il partecipante é tenuto ad accettare ogni decisione che lo skipper riterrà opportuna per tutelare la loro sicurezza e incolumità, attenendosi al rispetto di eventuali posizioni assegnate a bordo e nell’indossare i giubbotti di salvataggio.

-       Il partecipante si impegna espressamente a non effettuare alcun tipo di commercio, a non tenere a bordo o con sé armi, esplosivi e sostanze stupefacenti, neanche per uso personale. Qualora un partecipante dovesse contravvenire alle leggi o alle norme vigenti e ciò comportasse misure disciplinari nei suoi confronti fino al suo arresto e che di conseguenza il fatto arrecasse danno al LOCATORE e agli altri partecipanti alla crociera, egli si impegna a risarcire il LOCATORE per le eventuali perdite, danni o oneri sostenuti. Tale accaduto sarà considerato dal LOCATORE quale causa sufficiente per l’annullamento del contratto sottoscritto e allo sbarco immediato del responsabile.

-         Nei viaggi su imbarcazione Il partecipante é tenuto ad imbarcarsi portando a bordo un bagaglio composto da borse poco ingombranti, morbide e completamente ripiegabili in modo da permettere un loro facile stivaggio. Il bagaglio dovrà essere limitato ed essenziale.

-        Ciascun partecipante è esclusivo custode dei propri oggetti ed effetti personali e ne risponde personalmente in caso di furto, smarrimento o danneggiamento. E’ altresì responsabile dei danni causati all’imbarcazione/alloggio da comportamenti dolosi, colposi o in contrasto con le disposizioni date dal comandante/guida.

-        Nei viaggi con imbarcazione si ricorda che non è assolutamente consentito fumare sottocoperta mentre si potrà fumare esclusivamente in pozzetto soltanto quando non si è in navigazione e adottando le necessarie precauzioni per non arrecare danni all’imbarcazione e fastidio agli altri partecipanti. E´ severamente vietato gettare residui di sigarette in mare.
Il partecipante è tenuto ad avere comportamento rispettoso e disciplinato. L´imbarcazione è dotata di scaletta per scendere/salire in/dal mare e di passerella per scendere/risalire a/da terra e tender per scendere/salire.
Tutti questi ausili possono essere inevitabilmente umidi o bagnati. Nessun risarcimento puó essere chiesto dal partecipante in caso di infortuni quali per esempio scivolamento, contusioni, lesioni ecc.
In caso di guasti o avarie impreviste che dovessero richiedere una sosta per la riparazione, il LOCATORE/TO si
impegna a rendere tale periodo il più breve possibile. Qualora il periodo non superi le 48 ore continuative, Il partecipante non potrá chiedere alcun rimborso. In caso contrario, il LOCATORE/TO rimborserà ogni giorno non goduto oltre le suddette 48 ore continuative.

-           I dati di carattere personale che il Viaggiatore comunica, come il cognome, nome, indirizzo, email, telefono, sono destinati esclusivamente a Lasca la Randa di Claudia Lippi e trattati conformemente alle disposizioni della legge n°78-17 del 6 gennaio 1978 modificata dalla legge n°2004-801 del 6 agosto 2004 relativa all’informativa, alle schede e ai diritti (la « Legge Informatica e Diritti »). La rilevazione di questi dati necessaria all’attività, al fine di permettere di assicurare l’esecuzione dei contratti conclusi, di identificare i bisogni del Partecipante, e di compilare la crewlist/elenco partecipanti da inviare alle autoritá. Il Viaggiatore dispone di un diritto d’accesso, di modificazione e di soppressione dei dati che lo riguardano. Puó, in ogni momento, effettuare una richiesta di informazioni, di modificazione o di soppressione dei dati di carattere personale che lo riguardano al seguente indirizzo:



In alcune attivitá, nel programma, potrebbe essere previsto un numero minimo partecipanti definito da raggiungere entro una certa data definita affinché il viaggio venga confermato.

In questo caso sará scritto nel programma. In caso di non raggiungimento numero minimo partecipanti entro la data indicata, sará restituita la quota ad i partecipanti iscritti.

Prima della conferma il partecipante non deve acquistare biglietti di mezzi di trasporto.

Quando non é riportata la clausola del numero minimo partceipanti, il viaggio é in sé per sé giá confermato.



Per escursioni giornaliere le prenotazioni avvengono versando quota intera al momento della stessa.

Per viaggi di giorni superiori a 1, vigono le seguenti condizioni.

At the time of booking, the payment of 50% of the registration fee is required if made more than 40 days before the departure date.

The balance of the delta itself must be paid at least 40 days before departure. If reservations are requested within 40 days prior to departure, the total price of the service must be paid in a single payment.

In particular: upon signing the following contract, a deposit on the price equal to 50% of the amount published on the site or in the quotation provided by the Organizer must be paid.

Tale importo viene versato a titolo di caparra confirmatoria ed anticipo conto prezzo esclusivamente attraverso pagamento tracciabile. Il buon fine del pagamento vale come conferma della prenotazione e costituisce perfezionamento del contratto, gli effetti di cui  non si producono qualora il recesso dipenda da fatto sopraggiunto non imputabile. Il saldo dovrà essere improrogabilmente effettuato entro i 40 giorni dalla data della partenza. Per le prenotazioni in epoca successiva alla data indicata quale termine ultimo per effettuare il saldo, l’intero ammontare dovrà essere versato al momento della sottoscrizione della proposta di acquisto. La mancata ricezione da parte dell’Organizzatore delle somme sopra indicate, alle date stabilite, al pari della mancata rimessione all´Organizzatore delle somme versate dal Viaggiatore, comporterà l’automatica risoluzione del contratto. Il saldo del prezzo si considera avvenuto quando le somme pervengono all’organizzatore direttamente dal viaggiatore. In caso di ritardi nel pagamento del saldo si applicano le seguenti penali: Entro i 5 giorni dalla data indicata + 3% Tra il 6° e il 10° giorno dalla data indicata + 5%.

Together with the copy of the payment, the contract must be duly completed and signed.

La quota dovrà essere versata seguendo le istruzioni riportate.


  1. If before the start of the package the organizer is forced to significantly modify one or more main characteristics of the included services, or cannot satisfy the specific requests formulated by the traveler and accepted by the organizer or proposes to increase the price of the package above 8%, the traveler can withdraw from the contract without paying penalties. In the cases above, the traveler can: a) accept the alternative proposal if formulated by the organiser; b) request the refund of sums already paid. This return must be made within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract.

  2. In the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occurring at the destination or in its immediate vicinity and which have a substantial impact on the execution of the package or on passenger transport to the destination, the traveler has the right to withdraw from the contract, before the start of the package, without paying withdrawal costs, and to a full refund of payments made for the package, but is not entitled to additional compensation. Any inability to take advantage of the holiday by the traveler does not legitimize withdrawal without penalties, provided for by law, as the traveler can protect himself from the economic risk connected to the cancellation of the contract, with the stipulation of a specific insurance policy, where not obligatorily provided for by the 'manager.

  3. In caso di recesso dal contratto da parte del viaggiatore prima della partenza, per qualsiasi motivo, anche imprevisto e sopraggiunto, al di fuori dei casi elencati al primo comma sarà addebitata una penale. L’importo delle penali è così quantificato: dal giorno successivo alla prenotazione fino a 60 gg nessuna penale, nessun rimborso, voucher del 100% versato valido 6 mesi dalla data di partenza del viaggio. - da 59 a 40 gg antepartenza penale 100%, nessun rimborso della caparra, nessun voucher - 39 a 0 gg antepartenza penale 100% dell´intera quota, nessun rimborso, nessun voucher. Chi avrá sottoscritto assicurazione annullamento, seguirá le condizioni riportate su di essa; sará trattenuto il 10% della quota del viaggio per spese di gestione.

  4. Some services may be subject to different penalties, the same will be communicated at the time of booking.

  5. In the case of pre-established groups, these sums may be agreed upon from time to time.

In the calculation of the terms listed above, the day of departure of the trip is always excluded; the day of cancellation is always included.


  1. The traveler, upon prior notice given to the organizer on a durable medium no later than seven days before the start of the package, may assign the contract to a person who necessarily satisfies all the conditions for the use of the service.

  2. The transferor and transferee of the tourist package contract are jointly responsible for the payment of the balance of the price and any rights, taxes and other additional costs, including any administrative and processing costs, resulting from such transfer.

  3. The organizer informs the transferor of the actual costs of the transfer, which cannot be unreasonable and which do not exceed the expenses actually incurred by the organizer as a result of the transfer of the tourist package contract, and provides the transferor with proof relating to the rights, taxes or other additional costs resulting from the assignment of the contract.

  4. In any case, the Traveler who requests the change of an element relating to an already confirmed practice, provided that the request does not constitute a contractual novation and provided that its implementation is possible, will pay the Tour Operator, in addition to the costs resulting from the change itself, a flat rate fixed cost.


We inform you that all personal data will be processed in full compliance with the provisions of law 575/1996 and that the processing of personal data is directed to be carried out by Claudia Lippi resident in Via Novelli 19 Florence.

In any case, personal data will not be transmitted to third parties and may be deleted at any time upon request of the consumer.


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Copyright © 2023 - Lasca la Randa by Claudia Lippi - All Right Reserved
Lasca la Randa® is a Registered Trademark of the Exclusive Property of Claudia Lippi
Via Novelli 19, 50135 Firenze P. IVA 07270330488
REA FI-697763  Fondo Garanzia A/63.6020/16/2024
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